262 - Swim Ontario

IDEAL Campaign

Project Description

IDEAL stands for Inclusion, Diversity and Equity in the Aquatic Legacy. The main source of funds will be swimming Alumni and friends. There will be a number of events organized during Swim Ontario's 100th anniversary year.

The proceeds from this fundraising will be
used for the following cause(s):

Swim Ontario will seek charitable donations to:
- Advance performance through support to individual athletes and teams that expand their training and competitive opportunities.
- Expand the sport to individuals and communities unable to continue in, or access the sport due to social, discriminatory or financial challenges.
- Celebrate and reward performance that profiles the value and effort involved in sport (example is through the Hall of Fame).

How this project will assist in promoting
or developing amateur sport on a national

The project will be successful by funding projects that seek out and support the entry of new and diverse populations into competitive swimming, provide travel and access support to travel for training and competition and raise the profile of swimming across Ontario. New and growing numbers of entrants who have expanded opportunities for training and competition will swell the ranks of swimmers able to compete at the national level.

Fund Admin

Dean Boles


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