Sport4Ontario rebrands as Ontario Sport Network

October 13, 2021
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The not-for-profit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to the promotion of sports and physical activity in Ontario has rebranded to Ontario Sport Network. Unveiled at a Meeting of the Members on October 13, 2021, the new look and feel of the organization is the first step in a much bigger business and marketing plan aimed at uniting the sport sector and getting Ontario active again.

Building on the tone set by Sport4Ontario since 1998, Ontario Sport Network will continue to provide the collaborative environment and resources to build capacity and drive leadership excellence in the Ontario Sports community. This new brand, however goes beyond the organized sport community, looking to reach and attract all Ontarians to the benefits of sports, as well as promoting a welcoming and inclusive sport environment across the province.

The new name and logo were designed to better articulate and convey a united sports sector and building a healthy Ontario for all. Leading the rebrand of the organization, Torque Strategies and Victory, explain “the logo is inspired by movement and community, with continuous lines drawing the OSN acronym, with a large capital “S” emphasizing sport at the centre of our mission. The vibrant colours are inspired by the colours of the Ontario flag, using brighter shades to emphasize the energy of sport and the welcoming nature of our province.”  

This rebrand is part of a bigger vision that also includes building stronger mutually beneficial working relationships with organizations in the sports sector that will help enhance OSN’s values, mission and vision.

The new OSN rebrand was just the start of a robust action plan for the organization. With the Ontario Government’s mandate of Return to Sport and Safe Sport at the core focus of OSN, strategic partnerships and collaboration will assist in providing the Sport Community with necessary information and resources following COVID, and building on the initiatives of Safe Sport that have posed so critical over the past few years.